Online Mega Quiz Competition will be held on 5th January 2024. Register Now. পঞ্চম থেকে নবম-এ ভর্তি চলছে। এখন উপলব্ধ আসন ০৮/৪০ টি'র মধ্যে । ছেলে-মেয়ে পৃথক ব্যাচে। যোগাযোগ 9832164609 (৯টা-৩টে)।

An initiative of iqra international school charitable trust

Admission Test Procedure

(২) অনলাইন অ্যাডমিশন টেস্টের মাধ্যমে ভর্তি প্রক্রিয়া: নীচে বিস্তারিত দেওয়া হলো (প্রাপ্ত নম্বরের ভিত্তিতে ভর্তি ও ছাড়ের বিবেচনা)

All about "Admission Test

  1. Registration Fee: INR 200/- (for V - IX) & INR 250/- (for XI Sc.) & INR 200/- (for XI Arts)

  2. Starting of Registration & Online Admission Test: 15th Oct' (V - IX) & 15th Feb' (XI Sc. 7 Arts)

  3. End of Registration & Online Admission Test: 31st Dec' (for V - IX) and 31st March' (for XI Sc. & Arts/Comm)

  4. Full Evaluation Marks : 100

  5. Type of Test: MCQ

  6. Duration: Generally 30 Min (may change depending on class)

  7. No of Question: 50 (may change depending on class)

  8. Qualifying Marks: 50%

  9. Subjects of Test: Math, Science, English Grammer

Apply Today for Class V-IX & XI New Admission

Tentative date of Class Commencement (V-IX) : 5th January*

Tentative date of Class Commencement (XI Sc./Arts/Comm.) : 15th March*

What is IOAT ( Iqra Online Admission Test )?

It is an Entrance Exam to get Admission at IQRA School

It is a computerbase MCQ type online exam containing the question from English, Math & Science subjects according to class standard and Islamic Knowledge.


It is a Talent Search Online Exam to find the best three (3) student to honor them and their Mission by "IQRA MERIT AWARD"

It is a computerbase MCQ type online exam containing the question from English, Math & Science subjects according to class Xth standard.

This exam is only for MUSLIM MINORITY (Girls & Boys) strictly.

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